八階展示室 8th Floor


A cute kitten sleeping on ...can you imagine what is this? This is a guardian dog ( a pair) placed in front of Yasaka Jinjya shrine, Kyoto. The picture was taken by Pochi-san of "Neko no Shasin".

可愛い仔猫の寝姿と、不敵な笑い?を浮かべる猫。じつはこれ、”ぱんちゃん”こと”ぱんたきちごろう”君の幼少時代とその近影です。詳しくはウニャニャンさんの”NEKO IZON" にて”猫犯罪白書”をご覧下さい。

Two cats are from portraits of the same cat, "Panchan".
At this unexpected transfiguration, the owner of Panchan said "This must be a kind of fraud" with a sigh.

写真では本当に可愛い猫なんですがどこまで再現できたか( ;^^)ヘ..。これは"旅行"、"宝塚”そして"猫”の三本柱からなる dadaさんの「駄」から”アンジー”です。dadaさんが「壮絶に生きて死んだ」と述懐するその一生を読んで改めて写真を見ると、本人(猫)は生きることに喜びを感じていたのだろうということを実感します。ゼヒこちらで詳しいお話をご覧下さい。

Though her appalling whole life, Angie was a lovely, cheerful cat and loved by everyone who knows her. Large part of this website is dedicated for her memories.

多彩な趣味を持つVIOLさんのサイト "beat inn" から”ナオ”ちゃんです。澄んだ瞳の綺麗な猫ですよ。ご当地「きらら博」の紹介や「空の写真館」というユニークなページもありますよ。
どうぞお越しを♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪

As you see, Nao is a really charming cat who came from (also charming) web site VIOL's "beat inn".
Why don't you come and see her "Photo gallery of the air" and the other many interesting topics!

花や樹木、風景そして動物達(猫だけではありませんぞ)の写真、色鉛筆やパステルによるイラストなど綺麗で楽しいページ満載の "MIYUKI PARK" から。ねこたまで出合った”Micchi−”ちゃんです。こちらからどうぞ:

Original photo of the above lovely cat was taken at "Neko Tama" by the owner of the website "MIYUKI PARK". You can see lots of the other beautiful pictures at this site. Lets' come and see them!


Donchan is Ricchan's pet cat who managing website "RRR". Here, you'll be able to get a great deal about cooking.


A kitten holding filsm case between his(?) teeth is came from photographer Kiyochan's website "Osanpo shasinkan".

階段の途中でこちらを見上げているのは”キリ番”ゲットの sachi さんの愛猫「あお」ちゃんです。別の写真ではもっと可愛い顔なんですが(^^ゞ
"Ao" is a pet cat of Sachi-san who got Lucky number at the number of visitors' counter.


An ardent cat-lover Mikeko-san's website "nekogurui" selected this "Chiiko" chan as a model of this gallery.

”くろねこルウ”さんの楽しい猫サイト「Mokochi's Tavern" に紹介されている”もこち"君です。詳しくはこちらから:(#^.^#)

He came from pleasant website "Mokochi's Tavern" held by Kuroneko-ruu san.
Let's come and see him


You can see lots of cats in Kyoto thru this website.. The picture of this kitten was taken in the square where many cats and kittens playing.

yukky さんのサイト「チイサナセカイー素晴らしき猫世界」から"上野公園の猫”です。

"Chiisana sekai" invites you to the small but attractive world of cats and kittens,. Tbe picture was taken in the Ueno Park.

This cute Scottish Fold kitten is "Marimo" chan, a pet cat of Yumino-san. The picture was taken in her young and now, she grow-upped to weigh 4 kilograms!

東京新宿区四谷周辺のねこ写真ギャラリー "四谷ねこ Part2" から先頃お星様になった"小太郎”くんです。猫、花、風景そしてHPでの写真加工に付いて知識を得られるページなど多彩な構成です。モデルへの哀惜を込めた「小太郎のコーナー」をどうぞご覧ください:

Kotarou is the name of this model. He came from "Yotsuya-neko Part 2" where you can see lots of pictures of cats, flowers and street scenes, etc.


Yamadachan in cartoon fashion - as a heroine in the girlish comics.
You can see (present) her in the gallery 7th floor. .


Original photo is shown at the same site as the picture on top line, left end. Name of the site is "Neko no Shasin" by Pochi-san.


An outstanding craftsman of glass handicrafts - glasritzen, Hiyoyosan's pet cat Hana-chan. Why don't you jump to her website to see beautiful glassworks?


This golden cat is Tina's pet cat "Goldy". You can enjoy Tina's CG works at her website. Let's jump to Canada!


Kurochan was a bashful but impish cat and live in the heart of Vanilla-san for ever.


This colorful cat came from the website " throughgoing guide of all about of Yokohama,.

七階「Toy君」と同じ Petit Chaton から、”Lupin" 君です。

His name is Lupin. Came from the same wbsite as Toy, on the 7th floor.


"Chokochan" is the pet cat of Vanilla-san, same as the above "Kurochan".


Torajiro survived from a garbage car in Bronx, NY.
Now, he enjoying his safe and happy life together with lots of his family and friends


Name of this cute cat is "Onigiri" (rice ball).
Now, he has three brothers ans sisters, Tarako, Wasabi and Ringo.


"Beru-chan" is a pet cat of Emuai-san who looks like childrens frightened but, actually she is a good-natured cat.


This proudly posed cat, holding a stuffed toy (Totoro) in her mouth is "Mimy", a pet cat of Miyuho-san.

"Holmes-san" is a pet cat of a friend of Ricchan of "RRR".

芳紀十八歳の”たらこちゃん”は五歳の"さすけくん”と一緒にみくさんのHP「ねこじゃらし」のスターです。「ねこまんが」や見応えのある「招き猫コレクション」なども楽しいですよ( `ー´)ノ

"Tarako-chan" is a l8-year-old lovely lady.
You can see her in Miku-san's web site "Neko jyarashi"

「ヒラモンふくっち・幸せを運ぶネコたち」のモンママさんまたの名を michiyon さんの心の友 ”ヒラメちゃん”。
「猫缶グルメ」「もんぷく劇場」「ねこ自慢 PHOTO GALLERY」などなどの他に猫のオモチャや猫グッズのお店 "Cat Ballloon" もあります。
Shimada ジプシーさんの「ジプシーシリーズ」もお忘れなく。

"Hirame-chan" is a bosom friend of Mon-mama (she is also called Michiyon) .
Her web site "Hiramon Fukuchi" is full of exsiting topics.


"Rocky-chan" is a pet cat of Emuai-san, same owner as "Beru-chan" on the above.

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