七階展示室  7th Floor

六階の”親子”のモデルを提供していただいた "STUDIO 305" から。今回は「猫の歳時記」”如月”の表紙を飾っている猫君です。ここからモデルとその仲間たちをご覧下さい
he model came from same website as the picture "a Mother cat and her kitten" on 6th Floor. "STUDIO 305" consists lots of splendid photos not only cats but also the other objects.

素晴らしいイラストと何時も楽しい話題が一杯の Syamon's Tail さん(二階に愛猫 non-non が居ます)からご紹介のあった”おっちゃん”です。
 Syamon's Tail さんへはこちらから

"Occhan" the stray cat.
Original photo is submitted by the manager of "Syamon's Tail". Please refer 2nd floor or her pet cat "Non-non".

飼い主さんの愛情を一身に集める幸せな猫、Luna の仔猫時代です。

Attract owner's love all to herself, Luna is one of the happiest cat in the World.
Read her story from the above button.

なんとも不思議な愛嬌のある "Pukunco" 君は「せんせいの巣」から来て貰いました。詳しいお話とこの他の写真はこちらから:(英語バージョンもありますよ)
The model "Pukunco" has a funny, but charming cat on the website "Sensei no su". You can see his story in English at "Pukunco Live Cam".. Let's jump from the following banner:


This model "Jigu" also came from the same home, Pension Marchen in Yatsugatake-Highlands.
You can see the other lovely cats thru the above banner.

The model "Canon" came from the same website as the above "Jigu", Pension Marchen in Yatsugatake-Highlands.
Photo shows in her kitten's.

"Miiko's Room" のヒロイン、みいこちゃん。見るものを惹き付ける眼差しが印象的です。詳しくはこちらにお立ち寄りを(^-^):
This charming model is "Miiko Chan". She came from the website in which full of her memories. Let's jump to her website thru the above banner.


A meeting in the night.
These three cats are came from "Nekoyanagi-sou", a web site of stray cats' photos and CG taken and illustrated by Nekoyanagi. Lets' go and see them!


A kitten in great satisfaction. This is also came from Nekoyashiki same as the left picture.
A food at his (her?) feet is Japanese famous crab flavored Kamaboko (boiled fish paste) "Kani-kama".


Lie stretched on a blanket and take a nap is the best thing for the cat.
The model "Shintarou" came from "Nyan-nya Photo Gallery".
You can jump and see him and lots of his friends thru the above banner

真っ白なおすましやさんは「もみもんのほーむぺーじ」から Mimy しゃんです。
This prim-looking white cat is "Mimy" from the website "Momi-mon"..
You can see the other lovely cats in this site.


Is this a "Koma-inu" ?
(the guardian dogs placed in front of the shrine) No, he is a "Koma-neko" a guardian cat. Well, a cat feeling sweet-scented morning atmosphere is came from the website in Osaka, "Naniwa de osanpo"


This round eyes kitten "Nano" is apet cat of Yoshi-san of "Fukawaga norazu".

これは左の”コマネコ”のフォトギャラリー”なにわでおさんぽ”、 Album その8、「お母さん猫と子猫1」からです。

Kittens falling into a doze
This peaceful and happy family is also came from the same website as the "Koma-neko" in the left.


"Yamada" is the heroin of the website "Neko no oshigoto" where you can see lots of pictures of her together with materials for the websites such as icons, buttons, etc. for free usage.

”しろ”こと黒地に茶入りの「麦わら」猫の写真と想い出がいっぱいの "Shiromama's Photo Album" から。他の"麦わら猫”たちの紹介や、”ダイエットコーナー”などもあって話題豊富なサイトです。ゼヒお越しを(^-^)

Model's name is "Shiro" which means "White".
You can read and understand the reason "why"? at the site "Shiromama's Photo Album". Why don't you jump to the site?

堂々たる体躯、炯炯たる眼光!「だれ、アンタ? 今日、市場は休み!」。東京築地は場外市場で知る人ぞ知る,その名は”でぶち”!
”ねこねこ写真館・ネコマンガな Photo Gallery" は個性溢れるねこたちの写真は勿論、卓抜した編集と一読して笑わずにいられないウイットの利いたセリフのストーリーマンガとして楽しみが倍増します。こちらから、どうぞ!!

Debuchi is the boss-cat of Tsukiji Fish Market. He always keep his eyes over the market.
You can see him and the other charming cats jumping thru the above banner.

♪Happy Cat♪の主役、「熟猫ちょし」です。
”熟猫の写真館”、”Silver Cats 研究所”などなど、”ちょし"を中心に熟猫が集まる楽しいサイトです。どうぞお越しを(^-^)

Mellow Cat "Chosi" is the title role of the website "Happy Cat".Let's come and see her and lots of her friends!

管理人みいちびさんの愛猫たち、”ミッキー”と”チビ太”のホームページ "Moon Cat Paradise" から”ミッキー君”の肖像です。"Gallery" では色鉛筆による可愛い猫や美しい草花が展示されていますよ(^-^)

The model "Micky" came from a website "Moon Cat Paradise" by Miichibi-san. At this site, you will find Micky and his friend "Chibia", together with several cute and beautiful pictures of cats, dog and flowers painted by color pencils.

"長寿猫” Toyです。
NAOさんとYUKOさんによる "NANA" と"TOY" のストーリーと写真のホームページ、Petit Chaton" から来てもらいました。

This is a long life cat "TOY".
In the website "Petit Chaton", NAO and YUKO extending photos and stories of TOY and his friend NANA.
