九階展示室  9th Floor

”どろ”で括った様々なテーマのサイト ”DORO"のドロンジョこと、どろさんの愛猫”くーちゃん”。

"Ku-chan", a pet cat of Doro-san, has a charming heart shaped pattern.


"Tora-chan" is the draw at "Toraneko-an", a well-known web site of animated Gif icons for internet home pages.


"Sasuke-kun" is a pet cat of Sacchan of "Mainichi ga neko".
Here you can see two lovely cats, Sasuke-kun and Chibi chan".

八階「しっぽのキモチ」オコジョさんの新しい家族、”ヒナちゃん”。 優しい感じの可愛いこですね。

"Hina-chan" is a pet cat of Okoyo-san of "Sippo no kimochi".

「ひまねこや」の主kieferさんの愛猫 ”ラピスラズリ”ちゃん。ビニール・バッグの中で満足げです。

Abyssinian "Lapis lazuli" is a pet cat of kiefer, now looks contentedly in a silver color poly-bag.


If you see the portrait of Debuchi and its story, I'm sure you'll want to know how he(she) doing NOW. Here's a reply for you.


"Hacchi-chan" is a pet ca of tomo-san. Nw comfortably rerelax on handcrafted zabuton made by tomo-san's mother.


Name of this cute moon-faced kitten is Panta-kichigorou, same as introduced on the 8th floor.

この華麗なモデルは、なんと八階の"虎次郎”君の愛娘で "Bebe" ちゃんです。そう言えばどこか似ているような・・・気はしないなあやはり ー ̄)

If you believe or not, Bebe is a beloved daughter of Torajirou introduced on the 8th floor.


Ckose shot of Don-chan on the 8th floor.

上段の”ハッチ”ちゃんの仲間で同じく tomoさんの愛猫”茶茶”ちゃん。これはカウンターナンバー

"Cha-cha chan" is a pet cat of tomo-san, same as the above Hacchi-chan.
The portrait is painted as a commemoration of "hit 10,000 times on the number of visitors' counter.

"Ngc Photo Space" noguchi さんの作品から「江ノ島の猫」。ただし、モデル以外は自由な発想で描いています。猫の他にも沢山の写真があります。

You can see lots of the ther lovely cats in "Ngc Photo Space" jump from the above banner.

セピア色のモノクロームによるこの絵は六、七階でご紹介している "Studio305" sugawara さんの思い出の猫”タマちゃん”です。

Original photo is from "STUDIO 305" but, the picture is dedicated for all the cat lovers who have similar reminiscences.

これも左隣と同じ Studio305" sugawara さんの愛猫 ”ケロちゃん”です(「生活の柄」より)。

Same as Tamachan (left), Kerochan is a pet cat of the owner of Studio305.

OSUMI'S ROOM から”セナ姫”さま。花、自然、猫などの写真から構成されている楽しいサイトです。トップページには三つの占いがありますよ。

Princess Sena, from OSUMI'S ROOM., where you can see lots of beautiful pictures of the Nature, flowers and cats, etc.


This time, Yamada-chan come on stage dressed in a seaman's uniform.

"Obusuchan" is a pet cat of huizi-san and now suffering from a inflammation of the oral mucosa, . Hope she recover soon from a disease.


"Mii-chan" dress up with chic necklaces. She is a pet cat of Atuko-san
, manager of the web site "Scottish Terrier"

上段の Ngc Photo Space, noguchi さんの「愛猫」、”ももちゃん”。逆光ですが影の部分を少し明るく描いています。
Momo-chan" is a "outdoor pet cat" of noguchisan of Ngc Photo Space.

猫、鳥、風景等を感性豊かな写真で見せてくれる 「myu-cat」 から”木登り猫”。

"Climb a tree-cat" , originak photo is shown on "myu-cat" jump from the above banner.

Relaxed on the table is "Yuka-chan" , a pet cat of Miyuho-san, same as "mimii-chan with Totoro" on the 8th floor.


Monjirou , alias "Mon-chan" is a pet cat of Michiyon-san, same as "Hirame-chan" shown on the 8th floor.

猫の眼は非常に”雄弁”ですが、これは何を言いたいんでしょうね? モデルにはこちらで逢えます:

As you may well aware, lovely round eyes of the cats talk lots of things. Can you understand what he (she?) say?


"Coco-chan" is an inhabitant of Cats' street and (outdoor)
pet cat of Vanilla-san introduced on the 8th floor

7階で”コマネコ”を展示している「なにわでおさんぽ」 kiyoさんの愛犬”ランチちゃん”。当館2度目の犬のモデルです。

"Ranchi-can" is a pet dog of kiyo-san of "Naniwa de osampo" introduced on the 7th floor.

「中野龍人写真ギャラリー」から龍人さんの愛猫”シュガーちゃん”。ポートレート、風景その他多彩な写真が満載のサイトですが "Sky gallery" の大空と夕陽の写真集は必見です。

"Sugar-chan" is a pet cat of Ryujin-san of the "Nakano Ryujin Photo Gallery". You shouldn't miss the picturs of " The skies, clouds and the declining sun" of this gallery.

上段の”ラピスラズリ”ちゃんと同じ kiefer さんの愛猫”いずなちゃん”。やんちゃだけど人懐っこい子だそうです(⌒▽⌒)

"Izuna-chan" is a pet cat of kiefer-san, same as "Lapis lazuli" on the top.


"Nora-chan" is a pet cat of Nora no mama-san" of the web site "Nora no heya".

"Strawberry Surprise" mika さんの想い出の猫”ラミーちゃん”の面影を偲ばせる”ちびラミーちゃん”。街猫たちのPhotoアルバムやえっせいのあるこのサイトはこちらから:

mika-san of "Strawberry Surprise" recall memories of her pet cat "Ramie-chan" when she look at this "Chibi Ramie".


"Ten-ten chan" is a pet cat of Makocha & Tomocha of "Makotomo Park".

八階展示室 8th Fl.
十階展示室  10th Fl.